Monday, July 7, 2008

Tutankhamun - The Musical

Seen on Saturday in Gutenstein.

Gutenstein is well known for great productions of Ferdinand Raimund's plays; this year they have the world premiere of the brand new musical about Tutankhamun (ger.: Tutanchamun), the famous Pharaoh.

Great production! Fantastic stage design! Awesome actors! Overwhelming choreography! Great music!

This musical is really worth being seen!

The story starts with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten (ger.: Echnaton) and Tiye's (ger.: Teje) - King Tut's grandmother - decission to make Tutankhamun the new emperor of Egypt.
The story shows the envy of the military leader and the administrator - who both wanted to become Pharaoh after Akhenaten's death; the way they let him sign several orders for their own benefit and the resulting povery of the Egypt people.
When Tutankhamun sees the troubles of his people he starts questioning decissions and changes his line.

The way King Tut died is left beside and i think that's good so, because of all the myths about his death.

A fine piece of work!

More pictures can be seen on the website.

Website: Tutanchamun - The Musical
MC listened to: Smash Mouth - All Star
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

My World said...

Great entry!

It was a really great musical, absolutelly worth seeing!

I liked the music and the story very much.

My only critical point is that the second half of the show was a bit cheesy.