Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Seen on Sunday.

To be honest, I didn't know anything about the movie besides what I saw on the trailer. But I am sorry that I have to say this movie was a bit disappointing.

Maybe I didn't understand it - things like that can happen - it just doesn't make to much sense.
Ok I have often watched movies with a rather flat storyline, but there was a story at least.
Here I missed some background for all the action. Why are the paladins hunting the jumpers? Are they just religious freak who think that only god should be able to be anywhere anytime? If so, why is there not a single trace of religious symbolism?
To me it seemed like an old hillbilly-style family feud, where after decades of war nobody can remember why they started fighting.

I also missed an explanation for the ability to jump. In most movies where somebody is able to do something special, there is at least some sort of reason. Is it genetic? Is due to the accident at the river?

And the end of the movie just screams for a sequel.

Besides the rather unreasonable storyline the effects are really great! It looks fantastic when the jumpers break through different locations!

Don't think that this movie is bad. It's just not what I had expected.
If you just want to see cool action it's ok.

Website: Jumper
MC listened to: Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

My World said...

I also was dissapointed. They should have made more out of the story, it had been possible...

I know this is not very "scientific", but here you can find more informations:


Yes, there will be a sequel - of course, it is "in" to make sequels...

There is also a novel
This plot makes more sense in my opinion.

But because tastes are - and should be - different, it is important to watch this movie, if you are interested in it. Everybody should develop his own opinion