Monday, April 7, 2008

Alfred Dorfer - 'fremd'

Last Wednesday I saw with some of my friends the cabaret show 'fremd' (foreign) from the Austrian cabaret artist Alfred Dorfer at hour Town Theater in Wiener Neustadt.
I love his shows! He always has some pretty cool hits at several Austrian politicians and other things you may come across in your live.
One laugh followed the other. It's really great when you see something so funny, that your cheeks hurt after the two-hour-programm from all the grinning and laughing. :-)
Dorfer is always assisted by his band consisting of Guenther Paal (a.k.a. Gunkl), Peter Herrmann and Lothar Scherper and the sound technician Robert Peres.
Guenther Paal (Gunkl) is not only the bassist, he is also there for seemingly extremly intellectual comments, explanations and answers on different question.
He sometimes does his own shows. They are excellent too but right after the show you just can't tell what he said. Very heavy! ;-)

Websites: Alfred Dorfer, Gunkl
MC listened to: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
via FoxyTunes

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