I could also say 'Happy Birthday' to my Audi but that would sound a bit weird.
On the 29. April 1998 my car was registered for the first time. Don't know when it left the factory, so the real 'date of birth' will be some days before.
After 10 years of duty it runs fine as new.
Websites: Audi.at, Audi.com
MC listened to: Hank Williams - Jambalaya
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
10 years on the road
posted by
11:24 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
'God on a Harley' by Joan Brady
'Als Gott Harley Davidson fuhr' (German title)This weekend I read this great book.
I bought it some time ago without reading the plot just because I liked the title. When I found it again in a drawer on Friday I saw that it had only 191 pages and was printed in a rather big font. So I thought it could be finished fast and was curious about the story that fits in such a small space. After reading the plot I was a bit worried that it could be just a love story with not to much in it, but after a few pages I recognized that there was a lot of depth inside and that it was not only about love in the common way.
I think a lot of people will find themselves - at least partly - in the protagonist Christine Moore.
There are some really good advice for a better live throughout the whole story.
The plot:
At thirty-seven, Christine Moore had a world-class case of burnout: a frustrating career, a few dead-end romances, and a less-than-perfect figure. Little did she know her life was about to change completely . . .
Everybody is developing continuously and that doesn't only apply to human beings, it also applies to the almighty force commonly called God or something like that.
God recognized that not everything was going like he had planned and that he was often mistaken. So he is out to help every single person and now its time for Christine's life to be improved.
He comes to her in the shape of a biker called Joe on his Harley-Davidson and so begins Christine's journey, a voyage of the spirit that frees her to appreciate each precious moment of life - and reveals to her six wondrous precepts that lead to the deepest peace and fulfillment we can ever know.
I can only recommend this book to everyone!
Website: Joan Brady
MC listened to: Guns 'N' Roses - November Rain
via FoxyTunes
posted by
9:59 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
back to school (3)
WOW! That was fast!
As I wrote earlier today that I took the aptitude test just last Thursday and this evening I received a call from my mother who told me that a letter from the FH had arrived. So I rushed to her to open the letter. Didn't think that there would be the big YES or NO in it, just something about how I did on the test.
When I opened it my heart raced a hundret miles per hour and I was pretty shaking. I pulled the letter out of the envelope and directly in the subject line it read 'entry confirmation'.
All that's left to do is to fill out the 'study entrance declaration' and bring it to the FH and then - starting at the 2. September - I will be an official student at the FH Wiener Neustadt.
Website: FH Wiener Neustadt
MC listened to: AC DC - Thunderstruck
via FoxyTunes
posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: fh
The Rat Pack @ Magna Racino
On Saturday we saw a great show at the Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf.
Sammy, Frank & Dean - The Rat Pack
A fabulous show with really great impersonators of Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sintatra and Dean Martin.
I would have never thought that it could be that fantastic! Not only the voices were really close to the originals, also the movement and behavior seemed to be very genuine.
In the first part of the show they brought great hits like 'My Way', 'Mr. Bojangles' and 'Volare' and told stories of the lives of those three marvelous entertainers.
In the second part of the show they came back on stage in smokings. And gave a perfect show with a really high fun factor and a lot of digs at the drinking behavior of Dean.
I put both show parts into one video this time but had to split it due to youtube's 10 minutes limitation.
Part 1
Part 2
Of the three shows I've seen at the Racino so far this was the best! It was just unbelieveable.
There was also a special guest among the audience, Frank Stronach the boss of Manga was sitting just two tables away from us. Not that he's such a big celebrity but it's nice to see VIPs in person.
The dinner was also wonderfull again.
Before the first show part we had the appetizer - smoked salmon tureen with marinated shrimps, salad and dill-mustard-sauce - and the soup - strong cattle soup with native olive oil and dumplings.
After the first part of the show we were served the main course - chicken piccata with pumpkin seed balls on tomatoe and basil sauce.
After the show it was time for the dessert - a small piece of cake, raspberry mousse and vanilla ice cream.
Tasted great!
I love the ambience at the Racino! It's always a pleasure to be there - especially with such a fantastic show!
Website: Magna Racino
MC listened to: Frank Sinatra - You Make Me Feel So Young
via FoxyTunes
back to school (2)
Last Thursday I took the second step on the way to become a student at the FH Wiener Neustadt - the aptitude test.
I was really nevous the days before; I think that was because of the fact that I didn't know what it would be like and that there was nothing you could have prepared in advance.
As soon as the test had started it was like always, nervousity was blown away and it was no problem to focus on the test; and afterwards I have to say it was rather amusing.
Some of the stages didn't make to much sense to me in relation to the study.
This time was the first time in my life I had the feeling that I even solved some of those damn number rows - where you are given some numbers which have a logical run and you have to find the pattern and put in the next following number. But on the other hand I think I completely failed the German part. I think there will be some right answers but they only by luck. Some of the words I have never heard before.
End of the week I should get the test result.
Website: FH Wiener Neustadt
MC listened to: Sting - Englishman In New York
via FoxyTunes
posted by
1:04 PM
Labels: fh
Thursday, April 10, 2008
seven years of love
Today Julia and I celebrate our 7th anniversary.
Julia, I love you soo much, I want to be with you forever and for always!
posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: anniversary, julia
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Seen on Sunday.
To be honest, I didn't know anything about the movie besides what I saw on the trailer. But I am sorry that I have to say this movie was a bit disappointing.
Maybe I didn't understand it - things like that can happen - it just doesn't make to much sense.
Ok I have often watched movies with a rather flat storyline, but there was a story at least.
Here I missed some background for all the action. Why are the paladins hunting the jumpers? Are they just religious freak who think that only god should be able to be anywhere anytime? If so, why is there not a single trace of religious symbolism?
To me it seemed like an old hillbilly-style family feud, where after decades of war nobody can remember why they started fighting.
I also missed an explanation for the ability to jump. In most movies where somebody is able to do something special, there is at least some sort of reason. Is it genetic? Is due to the accident at the river?
And the end of the movie just screams for a sequel.
Besides the rather unreasonable storyline the effects are really great! It looks fantastic when the jumpers break through different locations!
Don't think that this movie is bad. It's just not what I had expected.
If you just want to see cool action it's ok.
Website: Jumper
MC listened to: Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
via FoxyTunes
posted by
2:50 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Charlton Heston, 1923 - 2008
On Saturday Charlton Heston died at the age of 84.
(John Charles Carter; * 4. Oktober 1923 in Evanston, Illinois; † 5. April 2008 in Beverly Hills, California)
Hollywood once again lost one of its greatest stars!
I don't know much about him. To be honest, the only things I know is that he was really superb as Judah in 'Ben-Hur' (1959), as Moses in the movie 'The Ten Commandments' (1956) and as George Taylor in 'Planet of the Apes' (1967).
I love these movies!
Like all stars he also had sides not everybody liked to much - like his activities in the NRA. With statements like 'You can have my gun when you can pry it loose from my cold, dead hand.' he shocked some people.
I think, as long as people act responsible and keep their guns locked in at a safe place, it won't be much of a problem to allow private persons to have guns. As many people often say: 'Guns don't kill people; people kill people.'
A real problem are the guns sold on the black market or just stored in a drawer thats not even locked.
My heart is with the family and friends!

Website: Charlton Heston (Wikipedia)
MC listened to: Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
via FoxyTunes
posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: charlton heston, obituary
Alfred Dorfer - 'fremd'
Last Wednesday I saw with some of my friends the cabaret show 'fremd' (foreign) from the Austrian cabaret artist Alfred Dorfer at hour Town Theater in Wiener Neustadt.
I love his shows! He always has some pretty cool hits at several Austrian politicians and other things you may come across in your live.
One laugh followed the other. It's really great when you see something so funny, that your cheeks hurt after the two-hour-programm from all the grinning and laughing. :-)
Dorfer is always assisted by his band consisting of Guenther Paal (a.k.a. Gunkl), Peter Herrmann and Lothar Scherper and the sound technician Robert Peres.
Guenther Paal (Gunkl) is not only the bassist, he is also there for seemingly extremly intellectual comments, explanations and answers on different question.
He sometimes does his own shows. They are excellent too but right after the show you just can't tell what he said. Very heavy! ;-)
Websites: Alfred Dorfer, Gunkl
MC listened to: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
via FoxyTunes
posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: alfred dorfer, cabaret, commedy, gunkl, theater