I can't believe it! Stefan Ruzowitzky got the first Academy Award in Austrian history!His movie 'The Counterfeiters' ('Die Faelscher') got the Oscar in the category 'Foreign Language Film'.
Film Synopsis:
In the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, a group of prisoners with skills ranging from finance to forgery are put to work under the direction of a master counterfeiter manufacturing perfect replicas of foreign bank notes. As the Nazis plot to cause the collapse of the U.S. and British economies by flooding their markets with false bills, some of the prisoners use delaying tactics to forestall the plan.
I haven't seen the movie yet but I will as soon as I can for sure!
Websites: The Oscars, Die Faelscher (The Counterfeiters) (german)
Monday, February 25, 2008
and the Oscar goes to... Austria!
posted by
11:01 AM
Falco - Verdammt, wir leben noch!
Damn it, we're still alive!Saw the biographic movie about Falco on Saturday.
It's a really great movie about a really great artist.
I'm a fan of his music. Don't know much about his live, so I can't say anything about the truth in the movie.
But as far as I know only few people knew the real Hans Hoelzl; in public he always lived the role of Falco he had created.
I think Manuel Rubey was a good choice to play Falco. His voice comes close to the real one, although he can't be the original.
After the movie I just felt pity for Hans Hoelzl. A great mind who couldn't fulfill the expectations he had placed in himself.
Websites: The Movie (german), Falco (official - german)
MC listened to: Falco - Out Of The Dark
via FoxyTunes
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ABBA @ Manga Racino
On Saturday 16. February we were at the Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf for 'Dinner & Show'.
Before the 'Dinner & Show' we went to the gambling area. Well, luck wasn't on my side. But Julia won some money and was, of course, very happy about that.
We saw a great ABBA-Show with a lot of the greatest hits of ABBA, presented in two show-blocks.
The band's name is ABBAriginal. The ladies voices were great.
The Dinner was great too!
The dining hall was huge with an awsome interior.
Dinner was served in three stages during the show.
First the appetizer - ramson mousse with tomato vinaigrette - and the soup - truffled celery soup. Then there was the first part of the show.
After the first part the main course - corned chicken on ginger-lemongrass-risotto - was served. Tasted fantastic!
And after the second part of the show it was time for dessert - raspberry-vanilla-tartlet. Very delicious!
If you have the chance you really should come to the Racino for 'Dinner & Show'! You won't regret it!
Only one thing left to say: Thank you (ABBA) for the music!
Websites: ABBAriginal, Magna Racino
MC listened to: ABBA - Thank You For The Music
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Audi A4 - 150.000 km
Yesterday, at about 7.15 p.m., my car reached 150.000 km. About 19.000 km with me.
I am very glad I bought it. It's as reliable as expected.
Sometimes I still think about my old Audi 80 - it was a great time too, and I hope it's still doing fine.
Websites: Audi (at) & Audi (com)
MC listened to: Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
via FoxyTunes
posted by
8:56 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Audi R8 Superbowl ad
Just saw this R8 Superbowl ad on another blog. (
I love that car!
MC listened to: KISS - Rock And Roll All Night
via FoxyTunes
posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: audi
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Falco: Feb. 19, 1957 - Feb. 6, 1998
Falco (Johann Hoelzl) was a superstar!
Today is his 10th obit.
His early death left a hole in the heart of music-fans.
He was the only Austrian musician who had real international success with hits like 'Der Kommissar' and 'Rock me Amadeus'.
Of course he also had to deal with all the ups and downs coming along with that business.
His style and attitude were so unique nobody will ever replace him.
Just on time the movie 'Falco - Verdammt wir leben noch!' (Damn it, we're still alive!) comes to theaters tomorrow. I am going to watch it as soon as I can.Another tribute to his great work is the newly released DVD 'Falco Symphonic' where you can see a concert he gave in 1994 in Wiener Neustadt (my hometown) together with the Symphonic Orchestra of our conservatory. In long hours the video snippets were put together and the track of the orchestra was brought in new, because of the low quality of the original recording. But Falcos voice is from the genuine concert recording. On the according CD even his voice was taken from studio recordings to make it better.
Websites: Falco (official site in German), Wikipedia
MC listened to: Falco - Emotional
via FoxyTunes
Friday, February 1, 2008
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Seen Yesterday.
I liked it a lot!
Well it's not what you would call a masterpiece, but there is unlimited fun, action and suspense.
What I didn't like was the fact that many things are achieved to easy. But who cares? - It's a movie.
The theories about conspiracies after the official end of the American civil war and about the presidents' 'Book of Secrets' could have been brought up a bit more and would have been a better storylline than just saving the family's name.
The first part of 'National Treasure' was much better but this one was funnier.
I think it's worth to be seen.
Website: National Treasure: Book of Secrets
posted by
8:10 AM