Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Bucket List

Seen on Tuesday.

Fantastic movie! Really makes you think about life!

Billionaire Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and mechanic Carter Chamber (Morgan Freeman), both suffering from cancer in terminal stage, end up as room mates in a hospital led by Edward.
As time goes by they realise that there are things they hav in common. Carter tells Edward that a teacher once told his class to write a list of things they want to do before they 'kick the bucket' - the 'Bucket List'.
Edward likes the idea and has the money, so they write the list together and start to fullfill the points.
They have a lot of fun but also moments of deep thoughts.

The movie shows in a fantastic way that you should always enjoy life and never wait for tomorrow to do something - someday there will be no tomorrow!

Website: The Bucket List

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great review! It looks like that's a movie I might want to see myself. It doesn't even matter whether you are 20 or 70, healthy or sick, rich or poor, we all have to realize that there is more to live than just the daily drudge. You have to live (L.I.V.E.!!!!) and enjoy live while we can.

Danni R.