Thursday, August 16, 2007

Knocked Up - sneak preview

We wanted to go to a sneak preview - a movie shown before it's regular start without the audience knowing what movie it will be - in our favorite cinema for some time. But on wednesdays - when the s.p. is in original language - I usually play billard with friends, but this week I didn't read the emails carefully and so I thought it was deferred until Friday. (I really have to read more carefully!)
Anyway I didn't really regret it. Before the movie we had dinner at an Italian restaurant in the MillenniumCity called D'Lounge.
The movies name was 'Knocked Up'.
After a one night stand under alcholic influence with a not so pleasing waking up the next day Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl) and Ben Stone (Seth Rogen) end up as future parents.
It's very funny! The people are chaotic and many of them are most of the time stoned. The used language is just f**king straight into the other's face - you'll know what I mean when you watch it.

Website: Knocked Up

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