A little newspaper called 'Bezirksblatt' sponsored sightseeing tours in our hometown Wiener Neustadt on the last few Saturdays.
1st try - last Saturday:
We already wanted to go last week. It was clear that there would be many people because the tour was free and that week the guide was our mayor and so there were even more than on the other days. Waiting among the crowd of mostly seniors we knew that the bus won't be big enough for all those people.When the bus came all the seniors - many of them armed with canes and some already at the age of Methusalix from the Asterix comics - started to move like a herd of rhinos or so on stampede. Like an avalanche they nearly rolled over each other and pushed against the bus. An old lady pressed the tip of the handle of her cane hard into my back.
It was really scary and so we moved out of the crowd and had a nice breakfast at Café Stadler next to the train station instead of the tour.
2nd try - today:
Today not the mayor guided the tour but a town council and so we hoped that it wouldn't be as hard to get in the bus as last week because this time there wouldn't be as many people.
We were right there were a few less but still too many for one single bus.
The bus came and all the people - again mostly seniors - showed the same behavior as they did last week. Pushing and punching they fought their way into the bus - it was like war. But this time we were as rude as our senior fellow citizens and all six of us made our way into the bus.
Julia and I sat in the second row and so we didn't see what was happening in the back but the others told us afterwards that there was a man who tried to reserve six seats for his friends. He rudely pushed Elisabeth beside and then when another man sat down, on one of the seats the 'Emperor' wanted to keep, the 'Master of the seats' grabbed him around the neck and shook him around but the man stayed on the seat and the 'King' was defeated. Some others nearly pushed Karin down the stairs.
It was just insane.
Okay, you could say that they don't have much time left - just kidding - but those are exactly the seniors complaining about todays youth. What kind of behavior should todays youth have when they got such role models???
They survived WWII and tell everyone how lucky we are to live in peace - at least in our country that is - and then they start fighting over shit.
the tour:
The tour itself wasn't bad but we had expected more. Some of the things town council Puschnig told us were interesting but she is a politician and so the history part was a bit flat and she told us more about the many schools and social facilities. But overall it was good for remembering things my mother had already told me when I was a kid and had forgotten in the meantime.
Website: Wiener Neustadt