Today MC's blog is running for one year already!
That was a fast year! Time is always running fast when you're having fun!
Hope all the readers out there keep coming back for more in the second year of existence!
Have much fun!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to MC's blog
posted by
8:04 AM
Labels: anniversary, birthday, blog, mc
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
KISS rocked Vienna
You wanted the best! You got the best!
That was a breathtaking show yesterday!
The greatest concert I've ever experienced!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC! It's really great of you to celebrate your 50th birthday with the audience in Vienna in such a 'purrfect' show!
When KISS was in Vienna the last time I didn't know to much about them. I got 'infected' with their music shortly afterwards by my uncle. I love KISS! Their music is really hot!
I hoped for quite a long time that they would come back to Vienna so I could see them live someday and this year my dream came true! To bad I didn't have the money for one of those cool 'Meet & Greet Packages'. But maybe someday I will!
I was really glad when Paul apologized for not being here for such a long and promised to come back soon! I WILL be there!!!
As I said the concert was fantastic! Everything you could have expected was there! Fire, fireworks, bloodspitting and the flights of Gene and Paul and the firework from Tommy's guitar!Songlist:
Got To Choose
Hotter Than Hell
Nothin' To Lose (Eric lead vocals)
C'Mon And Love MeParasite
She (Tommy Guitar Solo)
Watchin' You
Rock Bottom
100,000 Years (Eric Drum Solo)
Cold Gin
Let Me Go Rock 'N' Roll
Black Diamond (Eric lead vocals)
Rock And Roll All Nite
Shout It Out Loud
Lick It Up
I Love It Loud (Gene spat blood and flew to rafters)
I Was Made For Lovin' You
Love Gun (Paul flew to back of the hall)
Detroit Rock City
I am really looking forward to see them again on their next tour!
Websites: KISS, Stadthalle
MC listened to: KISS - Rock and Roll All Night
via FoxyTunes
posted by
6:06 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Best wishes to all the mothers out there!
Hope you all will have a nice day!
Picture taken from: The Jammer With The Hammer (blog)
posted by
9:40 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Dinner & Crime: Wanderlust
Yesterday we were together with some friends at the castle Wilhelminenberg for 'Dinner & Crime'.
The castle Wilhelminenberg lies above Vienna and so you get a great view all over Vienna from the restaurant's terrace.
This was the first visit to 'Dinner & Crime' and it was really cool!I don't want to tell too much and spoil you so I will keep it short allthough there would be a lot to tell!
In the show 'Wanderlust' you go onboard the MS Dinner the new flagship of Crime Lines. The actors involve the guests into the whole play. A lot of very funny characters are onboard this ship and everyone has a hidden secret.
The play is staged during the captain's dinner onboard. There is always fun and of course some serious arguing between the different characters until suddenly there is a murder. Now you get to see some exhibits and have to find the murderer and the motive.
Every table has to fill out a form in wich you write who did it and why. One of the tables with the right answers gets to win a round of sparkling wine and the table with the most creative (or dumbest - in a funny way) answer wins one too.
It was extremely funny and worth the money!
The dinner tasted also fantastic and they also have alternative meals for vegetarians.
Websites: Dinner & Crime, Castle Wilhelminenberg
MC listened to: The Beatles - Lady Madonna
via FoxyTunes
posted by
7:27 AM
Labels: castle, crime, dinner, show, wilheminenberg